Articles of Incorporation |
Articles of Incorporation are the basic charter of a corporation which spells out the name, purpose, incorporators, and any special characteristics such as being non-profit. The starting point for filing and approval of articles of incorporation is usually the state’s Secretary of State.
Download Articles of Incorporation |
Bylaws |
Bylaws are the written rules by which an organization is governed. They set forth the structure of the board and organization and guide the board in conducting business.
Download the BSOA Bylaws Download the Supplement to the BSOA Bylaws dated August 23, 2010 Download the Second Supplement to the BSOA Bylaws dated June 7, 2011 |
Resolutions |
Resolutions and Policies are used by the BSOA Board to make policy on a single act or Board decision. While the BSOA Board of Directors has passed a variety of Resolutions and Policies over the years, a few of the most pertinent are provided below for membership information.
Enforcement Resolution (amended 2019) – This resolution delegates to the BSAC the authority to hear resolve violations that pertain to: declarations, design regulations, approvals/denials, and activities related to construction and architectural review. Click here to view the full Enforcement Resolution. Trash Restrictions, Bear Feeding and Enforcement Regulation (adopted May 2014) – The purpose of this resolution is to proactively minimize human-bear conflict, to insure the greatest level of safety for humans and bears. Click here to view the Trash Restrictions, Bear Feeding and Enforcement Resolution. Public Disclosure Resolution for the BSOA Inc. (adopted January 2010) – The BSOA is a Montana non-profit corporation regulated by the Montana Code Annotated (MCA) and certain provisions of IRS Code. In the Public Disclosure Resolution, the BSOA makes a variety of corporate documents available to the public upon request. Click here to view the Public Disclosure Resolution for the BSOA. Access to Big Sky Architectural Committee Records and Architectural Files (adopted May 2009) – BSAC files are maintained for the benefit of the BSOA and its members. Consequently, information regarding the architectural history and BSAC review of a home, commercial property, or condominium development is guided by this resolution. Click here to view the Access to Big Sky Architectural Committee Records and Architectural Files Resolution. Snow and Noxious Weed Management (adopted February 2008) – The purpose of this resolution is to define those roads in Gallatin and Madison County which also fall within the jurisdictional boundary of the BSOA and which receive winter road maintenance and road right of way noxious weed management as funded with BSOA assessment revenue. Click here to view the Snow and Noxious Weed Road Management Resolution. Parking Rules, Regulations and Enforcement (adopted March 2017) - This resolution assists the BSOA in governing vehicles parked or stored in or on road right of ways within the BSOA jurisdiction. As a safety measure, enforcement of parked vehicles along road right of ways will allow better flow of traffic for residents and emergency vehicles. Click here to view the Parking Rules, Regulations and Enforcement Resolution. Conflict of Interest Policy Resolution (Revised Sept 2020) – The purpose of this resolution is to acknowledge conflicts of interest and set forth several ethical duties for Board of Directors, Committee members, and Staff. Members of the Board, Committees, and Staff are asked to maintain an updated Conflict of Interest form on a semi-annual basis. Click here to view the Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy Resolution. If you wish a hard copy of all public information as described in the Resolutions above, please contact the office at 406-995-4166. |
Policies |
RV Parking and Storage (adopted 2015) – Policy for Storage and Parking of Boats, Trailers, and Recreational Vehicles: No boats, trailers, snowmobiles, motor homes, or other recreational-type vehicles shall be permitted to be kept or stored on the premises of any lot or residence unless a covered, fenced and screened parking space, which must be approved in advance by the Big Sky Architectural Committee, is provided.
Temporary parking of the aforementioned vehicles and trailers is permitted when advance notification is provided to the Big Sky Owners Association. Temporary parking is defined as parking for a period not to exceed 10 total days per month, and no more than 5 consecutive days without removal for a period of 2 days. Advance notification can be provided in person at the BSOA office or by mail, phone, or email. |