The fiscal year of the BSOA operates from October 1 - September 30 and property owners are assessed once each year on October 1st.. Whether a condo owner, a commercial lease, a homeowner, or an owner of an undeveloped lot, the assessment amount is the same for everyone. The books are audited annually by an outside accounting firm. A financial report for the year is prepared for the BSOA Finance Committee and is approved by the full BSOA Board of Directors. Auditors also complete our annual tax return.
BSOA assessments are divided up among the following categories:
BSOA Services |
Includes snow removal on over 23 miles of roads in the BSOA jurisdiction in both Gallatin and Madison Counties; noxious weed spraying on all road right of ways, sign repair and replacement, speed limits, covenant compliance, architectural review and more.
Staff |
The BSOA office is staffed Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM and coordinates all issues affecting the membership, board, and committees.
Member Administration |
Includes taxes and insurance, postage, all associated office costs, annual meeting expenses, and the annual outside financial audit and tax preparation.
Reserves/Other |
Includes funds for operating, condo and pond reserves, bad debt, and depreciation.
Community Contribution |
Includes BSOA support to: Big Sky Community Corporation for maintenance of area parks and trails; Historic Crail Ranch for continued preservation of the original homestead cabin in the Meadow; and Big Sky Transportation District to offset local shuttle bus costs.