Annual assessments are mailed once per year to the membership and provide all funding to operate the BSOA. The BSOA provides public services and community support such as winter road maintenance, street lights, speed control, road signs, weed and pest control, architectural review and landscape design, as well as oversee compliance issues as they pertain to their governing documents.
What Does BSOA do for its Members?
- BSOA created a 501c3 organization, Benefit Big Sky (BBS), in March 2022. BBS has been working to create community connections and fundraise for a number of beneficial community projects, such as the Little Coyote Pond/West Fork Gallatin River Restoration Project, and the Best Practices Guidebook. The goal of Benefit Big Sky is to enhance the quality of life in the Big Sky community. The Benefit Big Sky website is live.
- The Little Coyote Pond/West Fork Gallatin River Restoration Project is well underway, and construction for the project is projected to be finished by the summer of 2024. The project is both environmentally sustainable and beneficial to the community, as it will enhance water flow, fish passage, and fish spawning in the West Fork, and create a free and accessible community recreation facility for everyone in Big Sky to use.
- The recreation facility's amenities design was recently finalized to include a service facility with boat storage and restrooms, and BSOA signed an agreement with Big Sky County Water and Sewer District to transfer water rights for the Pond in exchange for an easement.
- Benefit Big Sky has been ramping up fundraising efforts. BBS has only $475,000 left in its goal of $1.8 million to complete the project.
- The Best Practices Guidebook, a free local's guide to sustainable stewardship in Big Sky, has been approved by the Board and a graphic designer has begun work on the Guidebook. Benefit Big Sky is now seeking sponsorships from the community in order to fund the publication.
- As a safety measure, BSOA initiated and worked with BSCO to install delineators between the new trail to the Community Park and the Little Coyote Road. BSOA is also working with the TIGER Grant contractors who designed the trail, to come up with a more permanent solution that allows pedestrians and bikes safe passage.
- In response to continued development in Big Sky and the need for safe travel on BSOA roads, BSOA's newly formed 501c3, Benefit Big Sky has initiated fundraising efforts for the installation of three speed tables on Little Coyote Road. BSOA has received two construction bids for the speed tables, one firm has been selected, and finalizing that contract is taking place. Coordination with our partners to complete this project include, the Little Coyote Traffic Group, Boyne, and BSCO. The Board also has decided to seek public funding assistance for this project, via BSRAD, as Little Coyote Road is used community-wide by the public to access community facilities, such as two workforce housing developments, the Community Park, several utility facilities including the BSCWSD's plant expansion, Big Sky Resort golf course, the Chapel, and Meadow Village Center. A BSRAD application for this purpose has been submitted and we encourage BSOA members and the community to voice their support at the BSRAD Application Review Work Session on June 4, 2024.
- BSOA Staff just submitted a Big Sky Resort Tax funding application for 3 speed tables on Little Coyote Road, and BSOA will continue to take part in this application process in the coming months. BSRAD will share more details on the different ways community members can engage in the funding process as June approaches, but letters of support and public comment will be accepted. Any comments regarding BSRAD funding applications can be sent to [email protected], and the comments will be included with the Board materials for the June meetings.
- BSOA's Project Manager just finished assembling a newly purchased driver feedback sign that will be installed on Andesite Road in the coming week. In coordination with Spanish Peaks Club and Aspen Groves HOA, another BSOA driver feedback sign will be placed on Silverado Rd to collect data on the impacts of construction traffic on Aspen Grove neighborhoods.
- BSOA develops a strategic plan for projects, fund allocation, and community efforts every year, and has been updating the 2025 Strategic Plan draft.
- BSOA works with Grow Wild every year to run an annual Weed Pull event in order to spread information about the harmful effects of noxious weeds, and to remove them from Big Sky's natural spaces.
- BSOA will be, once again, working with the fire department to run an annual chipping day during the coming summer. This day provides the community an opportunity to take part in the disposal of wildfire fuel on their property, and to make Big Sky a safer place to live.
- BSOA recently signed the contract to implement a new, efficient, and user-friendly portal and website for the BSOA members, staff, and Board.
- BSOA continues to partner with BSRAD, WIA, and the Big Sky Hospital in the effort for a new Big Sky Community Wellness District in order to establish long-term funding security to meet the demands of health and wellness services.
- BSOA is continuing to partner with regional wildlife experts to study and gather data on wildlife migration to avert negative impacts caused by new and existing developments.
- BSOA responds to concerns brought to its attention by its community members. Some of these concerns include road safety issues, property use, abandoned vehicles, road sign replacement, bear safety, and other compliance issues.
- BSAC reviews architectural designs and landscape changes, and works with BSOA members and contractors to build new homes and update the homes of their dreams.