The Big Sky Owners Association (BSOA) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation registered with the State of Montana and managed by an elected Board of Directors. The BSOA's primary function is to maintain common areas and govern the homeowner community in accordance with the provisions of applicable legal documents including Covenants, BSOA Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, and Architectural Review Design Regulations. The association is financially supported by assessments collected from Members of the Association. Membership is both automatic and mandatory. A database of current ownership is maintained and updated through notification by new owners, title companies, and annual visits to both the Gallatin and Madison Counties Clerk and Recorders office (by Staff) to collect up-to-date warranty deeds.
The BSOA is Big Sky’s largest and oldest homeowners association with over 2,400 properties encompassing 8,000 acres. Created when the covenants of the three original Big Sky area subdivisions were recorded in 1971, the BSOA has assumed many roles in its 50-year history reflecting the growth and development of the community. The BSOA was formed “to manage, operate and maintain that area…that is more specifically described as the Big Sky of Montana, Inc. Resort.” The inaugural 1973 Board of Directors was headed by ski jumping champion and the first Big Sky Resort president, Gus Raaum. Raaum was responsible for hiring J. David Penwell as the Resort’s attorney. Penwell acted as incorporator in the creation of the Association that would act as a supporting organization for the Resort. A short-video featuring Mr. Penwell can be found at the bottom of this page.
Because the area could not incorporate, the BSOA, being the only existing HOA, assumed the mantle of municipality. Gus Raaum and the BSOA Board declared the purpose of the BSOA as “the quasi-municipal body established to provide common area service throughout the entire community.” The BSOA once was the community post office, established the BSAC, created the Big Sky Community Corporation, and helped build the Community Park to name a few of its many accomplishments. As Big Sky grew, the BSOA’s municipal and resort support functions decreased. Today the Big Sky Owners Association serves to preserve, protect and enhance property values. |
Before the area known as Big Sky was established, US Highway 191 leading to Big Sky was an Indian and wildlife thoroughfare: a rough route following steep grades and requiring several fords of the Gallatin River. In 1883, Gallatin County Commissioners hired a survey group to determine whether a road from Salesville (now Gallatin Gateway) to Yellowstone National Park, which had been established a decade earlier, would be feasible. A road from the Gallatin Valley to Taylor Fork was finally completed in August of 1898, and the rest, as they say, is history. For a more complete chronology of the Big Sky area and the BSOA click here for a historical timeline. |
Historical Timeline
2013 Voters approve a 32.04 mill levy allowing the Big Sky School District to begin the process of building a new elementary school. Voters also approve a 10.362 mill levy giving the Big Sky Fire Department funding to hire five new staff members. Big Sky Resort, Spanish Peaks and Moonlight Basin merge to become the largest ski resort in the U.S. Bozeman Deaconess Health Services announces its plans to open the Big Sky Medical Center in the Big Sky Town Center by the fall of 2015. The Big Sky Community Park adds a softball field pavilion and a second Rotary-sponsored climbing boulder.
2012 Construction of the Northwestern Energy Jack Rabbit-Big Sky power line upgrade through the Gallatin Canyon begins. The first phase of the Big Sky Skate Park is completed at the Big Sky Community Park. The Rotary Club of Big Sky funds the addition of a climbing boulder to the Community Park.
2011 Construction at Big Sky Community Park in Meadow Village is completed adding two new ball fields, multi-use game fields, paved parking, and basketball courts. Lone Peak High School introduces the Big Horn Football team. Fiber optic cable is delivered to Meadow Village homes. Big Sky welcomes new Fire Chief – Bill Farhat.
2010 Executive Director is hired to staff the Big Sky Community Corporation. The Gallatin Local Water Quality District votes to expand boundaries to include Big Sky. Big Sky Tennis Courts are donated to the BSCC for public benefit. Water & Sewer District completes two new drinking water wells to keep pace with growing demand.
2009 Multi-year fiber optic project begins in Meadow Village. Lone Peak High School opens.
2008 BSOA Bylaws are updated and recorded. In a majority vote of the BSOA membership, the Sweetgrass Hills and Meadow Village covenants are revised and restated. The Governing Documents Project effort also results in the rescinding of several old and obsolete resolutions and policies. New policies adopted include Conflict of Interest and Document Storage.
2007 The Big Sky Community Corporation is formed as an entity completely independent of the BSOA. New Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws are filed with the Montana Secretary of State and an independent Board of Directors is nominated.
2006 Big Sky Community Corporation closes on the park option and river bottom lands making BSCC the new owner of a 44 acre park located in the heart of Meadow Village. Construction begins on the bridge portion of the Spur Road connector trail. Membership hits 2300 in the BSOA with more than 189 projects being reviewed by the architectural committee in the last 3 years.
2005 Big Sky Community Corporation creates a cooperative, not for profit local venture – Camp Big Sky – providing local and visiting children safe play and learning environment throughout the summer months.
2004 Construction at Water and Sewer District is completed. Noxious weed program launched. Chamber of Commerce forms community solution groups to address issues of greatest concern to Big Sky community: growth and development; community and infrastructure; affordable housing; and business issues.
2003 Resolution signed to acquire 22.7 acres adjacent to existing Big Sky Community Park. Ousel Falls Park opened. Big Sky Trails Master Plan completed. Governance legislation dies in committee.
2002 Beehive Basin and Ousel Falls Trails construction are underway.
2001 BSOA Governance Committee established to discuss options for local government. BSOA moves into Meadow Center office location.
2000 29 acres at Ousel Park donated to Big Sky Community Corporation. Crail Ranch restoration nearly complete. Plans for Big Sky Community Park are presented at BSOA Annual Meeting.
1998 BSOA started Master the Mountain ski program and Mountains and Minds lecture series. Big Sky Community Corporation by-laws and 501(c)(3) status finalized. Ground-breaking ceremonies held for Big Sky Chapel and Summit Hotel.
1996 Voters approved a 7.14 million bond to upgrade sewer plant. Zoning Plan adopted. Community Park and Canyon bike path proposed.
1994 New Post Office constructed. Architectural Design Regulations revised.
1993 Sewer hook-up moratorium issued. Trucks carrying hazardous material on Highway 191 regulated by Department of Interior.
1992 Passed resort tax in Helena. Full time Water and Sewer operator hired.
1991 National Public Radio is locally available.
1990 BSOA and Boyne investigate forming a transportation district. Resort Tax bill effort underway. Roads paved in Sweet Grass Hills.
1989 Local planning and zoning committee is formed.
1987 Post Office is remodeled. BSOA contributes to new shuttle bus. Restoration of Crail Ranch begins.
1984 Emergency 911 available in Big Sky.
1979 First street signs erected in Big Sky. Established television translators.
1978 Road Improvement District (RID) 318 formed for water and sewer in Meadow Village.
1977 Fire District established. Architectural Committee established.
Chair Gus Raaum and Board declare the purpose of BSOA is to serve as “the quasi-municipal body established to provide common area service throughout the entire community”. An injunction against paving spur road from Highway 191 to the mountain village is lifted, and the board is successful in getting a power line to Big Sky.
1975 Increased board to 7 members. Paved roads in meadow village.
1973 First Annual Meeting of BSOA. Newly elected Board of Directors includes Gus Raaum, David Penwell, Ernie Larson, Tom Demetrion, and E.P. Frizella.
1972 Articles of Incorporation of BSOA become effective. Initial Board members are Chet Huntley, Chair; Ernest Larson, Treasurer; and David Penwell, Secretary.
2012 Construction of the Northwestern Energy Jack Rabbit-Big Sky power line upgrade through the Gallatin Canyon begins. The first phase of the Big Sky Skate Park is completed at the Big Sky Community Park. The Rotary Club of Big Sky funds the addition of a climbing boulder to the Community Park.
2011 Construction at Big Sky Community Park in Meadow Village is completed adding two new ball fields, multi-use game fields, paved parking, and basketball courts. Lone Peak High School introduces the Big Horn Football team. Fiber optic cable is delivered to Meadow Village homes. Big Sky welcomes new Fire Chief – Bill Farhat.
2010 Executive Director is hired to staff the Big Sky Community Corporation. The Gallatin Local Water Quality District votes to expand boundaries to include Big Sky. Big Sky Tennis Courts are donated to the BSCC for public benefit. Water & Sewer District completes two new drinking water wells to keep pace with growing demand.
2009 Multi-year fiber optic project begins in Meadow Village. Lone Peak High School opens.
2008 BSOA Bylaws are updated and recorded. In a majority vote of the BSOA membership, the Sweetgrass Hills and Meadow Village covenants are revised and restated. The Governing Documents Project effort also results in the rescinding of several old and obsolete resolutions and policies. New policies adopted include Conflict of Interest and Document Storage.
2007 The Big Sky Community Corporation is formed as an entity completely independent of the BSOA. New Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws are filed with the Montana Secretary of State and an independent Board of Directors is nominated.
2006 Big Sky Community Corporation closes on the park option and river bottom lands making BSCC the new owner of a 44 acre park located in the heart of Meadow Village. Construction begins on the bridge portion of the Spur Road connector trail. Membership hits 2300 in the BSOA with more than 189 projects being reviewed by the architectural committee in the last 3 years.
2005 Big Sky Community Corporation creates a cooperative, not for profit local venture – Camp Big Sky – providing local and visiting children safe play and learning environment throughout the summer months.
2004 Construction at Water and Sewer District is completed. Noxious weed program launched. Chamber of Commerce forms community solution groups to address issues of greatest concern to Big Sky community: growth and development; community and infrastructure; affordable housing; and business issues.
2003 Resolution signed to acquire 22.7 acres adjacent to existing Big Sky Community Park. Ousel Falls Park opened. Big Sky Trails Master Plan completed. Governance legislation dies in committee.
2002 Beehive Basin and Ousel Falls Trails construction are underway.
2001 BSOA Governance Committee established to discuss options for local government. BSOA moves into Meadow Center office location.
2000 29 acres at Ousel Park donated to Big Sky Community Corporation. Crail Ranch restoration nearly complete. Plans for Big Sky Community Park are presented at BSOA Annual Meeting.
1998 BSOA started Master the Mountain ski program and Mountains and Minds lecture series. Big Sky Community Corporation by-laws and 501(c)(3) status finalized. Ground-breaking ceremonies held for Big Sky Chapel and Summit Hotel.
1996 Voters approved a 7.14 million bond to upgrade sewer plant. Zoning Plan adopted. Community Park and Canyon bike path proposed.
1994 New Post Office constructed. Architectural Design Regulations revised.
1993 Sewer hook-up moratorium issued. Trucks carrying hazardous material on Highway 191 regulated by Department of Interior.
1992 Passed resort tax in Helena. Full time Water and Sewer operator hired.
1991 National Public Radio is locally available.
1990 BSOA and Boyne investigate forming a transportation district. Resort Tax bill effort underway. Roads paved in Sweet Grass Hills.
1989 Local planning and zoning committee is formed.
1987 Post Office is remodeled. BSOA contributes to new shuttle bus. Restoration of Crail Ranch begins.
1984 Emergency 911 available in Big Sky.
1979 First street signs erected in Big Sky. Established television translators.
1978 Road Improvement District (RID) 318 formed for water and sewer in Meadow Village.
1977 Fire District established. Architectural Committee established.
Chair Gus Raaum and Board declare the purpose of BSOA is to serve as “the quasi-municipal body established to provide common area service throughout the entire community”. An injunction against paving spur road from Highway 191 to the mountain village is lifted, and the board is successful in getting a power line to Big Sky.
1975 Increased board to 7 members. Paved roads in meadow village.
1973 First Annual Meeting of BSOA. Newly elected Board of Directors includes Gus Raaum, David Penwell, Ernie Larson, Tom Demetrion, and E.P. Frizella.
1972 Articles of Incorporation of BSOA become effective. Initial Board members are Chet Huntley, Chair; Ernest Larson, Treasurer; and David Penwell, Secretary.