Assessments – All property owners in BSOA are invoiced on October 1st of each year with payment due no later than the end of November. Delinquent assessments may result in late fees, interest, and even a lien being filed against the property plus applicable fees. Contact the office if a payment plan is necessary.
ATV’s – For the most part, snowmobiles, ATV-like vehicles, mini-bikes and helicopters may not be operated within the jurisdiction of the BSOA. There are plenty of multi-use trails in our surrounding public forests, so check with the USFS and fire up those engines outside the general Big Sky area.
Burning – As a homeowner in the mountains of Montana, please do not forget that the danger of forest fires. The burning of any materials or vegetation is prohibited, except when specifically allowed under applicable Covenants and under which case, must be in accordance with local regulations. Use common sense and obtain a burn permit from the Gallatin Canyon Rural Fire District where burning is approved and authorized depending on conditions.
Clutter – Everyone deserves to enjoy the great outdoors every once in a while, right? Some find it difficult when they see that their neighbors have every type of lawn accessory imaginable out and on display. Be sure your wood piles are neatly stacked, garbage and debris is placed in proper receptacles, kids toys are cleaned up after use (including the kiddy pools and trampolines), the ladder you used to replace the light bulb that went out days ago is put away, and your dog house is screened properly by approved landscaping or fencing (doghouses and kennels are considered structures so they do need BSAC approval). There are thousands of other things you can put on display in your yard, but remember, keep it tasteful and to a minimum.
Dogs – When outside, keep all pets on a leash to protect neighbors and wildlife. If a pet is roaming around your neighborhood and you think you may know who the owner is, we may be able to reach the homeowner before Animal Control or the Sheriff gets involved. Pets should be licensed and leashed. Clean up after your pet. If there is a problem pet in your neighborhood, contact the Gallatin County Animal Control at 406-582-2100 or visit their website. For issues in Madison County, contact the Madison County Sheriff at 406-843-5301.
Easements – Various Covenants reserve easements for a variety of uses (i.e., utilities, roads, drainage and recreation). Easement areas may be landscaped by Owners to enhance their appearance so long as the landscaping is not permanent and does not interfere with the use of the property as an easement. However, Owners who landscape within these easements do so at their own risk.
Enforcement – BSOA enforcement is guided by Board Resolution. All Covenant compliance complaints are logged at the office, field verified, reported to the Board, and followed up on. Staff does not regularly “patrol” BSOA neighborhoods, so help keep assessment costs low by calling the office when you see Covenant violations.
Fences – All fencing types (including dog runs and kennels) must be approved by the BSAC and are historically discouraged as they interfere with wildlife corridors.
Fire Pits – The use of outdoor fire pits is discouraged in the BSOA because of the danger of forest fires and neighboring structures. However, some uses are allowed depending on the Covenants. Aesthetic design of exterior fire pits and fireplaces, when specifically permitted by your Covenants, must be approved by the BSAC.
Fireworks – Like the rest of the nation, Big Sky knows how to throw a party on the Fourth of July and neighborhood celebrations often include fireworks. Please enjoy a safe Fourth of July and stow the fireworks away the rest of the year. The noise negatively affects our precious mountain wildlife. The Sheriff will be notified if fireworks are in use any day of the year except Independence Day.
Firearms – The use of firearms is prohibited in the BSOA.
Fire Safety – Create a defensible space around your home by managing fuels and vegetation to slow the spread of wildfire. For more information on living with fire in Montana contact FireSafe Montana or the Big Sky Fire Department at 406-995-2100.
Garbage – Help protect Big Sky’s wildlife by placing trash bins streetside at the absolute last practical moment and only on the day of collection. If you are not sure of your collection time, contact Republic Services at 406-586-0606.
Hot Tubs – Placement and screening of hot tubs must be approved by the BSAC with every attempt to locate and screen the hot tub from street and neighbor's views.
Landscaping – You are required to maintain your BSAC approved landscaping which includes watering trees, plants and shrubs as necessary, removing all deadfall, and replacing all dead foliage. Owners shall be restricted from irrigation of landscape during drought when water restrictions as issued by the Big Sky County Water and Sewer District No. 363 (“District”) are in place whether or not the property is in the District’s boundaries.
Lighting – Lighting fixtures should be designed and installed to control glare, light pollution and trespass onto your neighbor’s property. Respect our dark skies and use low wattage. Install fixtures that direct light for desired purposes only. Consider motion lights that turn on only when needed. Be a good neighbor turn all exterior lights off by 11 p.m.
Noise – Common courtesy applies. Restrict your contractor hours of construction from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Construction appropriate noise is permitted once BSAC has given Final Approval to a property owner and the performance deposit has been posted. Contact the BSOA for all other noise related issues during BSOA business hours. If a very late-night party nearby is causing a disturbance, consider contacting the Sheriff.
Nuisance – The nuisance provisions of the Covenants ask owners to maintain their property such that your neighbor’s “quiet enjoyment” is not unreasonably interfered with. Please keep the outside of your home tidy. If you think your neighbor is allowing rubble, debris, junk or refuse to accumulate resulting in conditions that are injurious to health, are indecent, or offensive to the senses or which obstruct the free use of property so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, please contact the BSOA office or contact the Gallatin County Code Compliance Specialist at 406-582-3775.
Paint – In our harsh mountain climate, plan on repainting or re-staining your home every few years, or when necessary, using the originally approved paint/stain colors. New colors must be approved by the BSAC. Your neighbors may contact the BSOA when they notice the paint on your home is chipping, or when the stain work is starting to look uneven or streaky, so please keep your home exterior maintained.
Parking – Streetside parking of vehicles and trailers is prohibited in the BSOA as it is a hazard for emergency vehicles and snow removal equipment.
Pets – When outside, keep all pets on a leash to protect neighbors and wildlife. If a pet is roaming around your neighborhood and you think you may know who the owner is, we may be able to reach the homeowner before Animal Control or the Sherriff gets involved. Pets should be licensed and leashed. Clean up after your pet. If there is a problem pet in your neighborhood, contact Gallatin County Animal Control at 406-582-2100 or the Madison County Sherriff at 406-995-4880.
Recreational Vehicle Storage – No boats, trailers, snowmobiles, motor homes, or other recreational-type vehicles shall be permitted to be kept or stored on the premises of any lot or residence unless a covered, fenced and screened parking space, which must be approved in advance by the Big Sky Architectural Committee, is provided.Temporary parking of the aforementioned vehicles and trailers is permitted when advance notification is provided to the Big Sky Owners Association. Temporary parking is defined as parking for a period not to exceed 10 total days per month, and no more than 5 consecutive days without removal for a period of 2 days.
Remodels/Renovation – Save yourself some time and trouble and always notify the BSOA office if you are considering a home improvement project. Staff will guide you through the appropriate approval process.
Road Right of Way – Do not park vehicles or make any type of permanent improvement in the road right-of way. Check your Covenants or stop by the office to view a plat to get an idea of how far the road right of way extends.
Satellite Dishes and Antennae – Dishes smaller than one meter are allowed in the BSOA. Keep all other dishes and antennae out of sight. For more information, visit the Federal Communication Commission’s website.
Snow Removal – Do not push driveway and sidewalk snow into the street! BSOA regulations and the State of Montana prohibit plowing, shoveling, piling, or blowing snow into the right-of-way or in a location that creates a hazardous condition for operators of snow plows and other vehicles. Snow removed from your property must be stored on your property or moved to an approved snow storage area. If you have contracted with a snow removal service, make sure your contractor adheres to this regulation and stores all shoveled or plowed snow on-site. It is strongly recommended that a snow blower be used to clear drive ways and sidewalks. Click here to view a list of local snow removal contractors.
Snow Stakes – Remove all snow staking in the summer months (May-September).
Tenants – BSOA has a legal relationship with property owners and does not discuss Covenant compliance issues with tenants. If a complaint is received, the property owner will be contacted, and it is the BSOA’s expectation that the property owner will inform and obligate the tenant to comply with all neighborhood rules. Owners can be fined for tenant behavior.
Trailers – No boats, trailers, snowmobiles, motor homes, or other recreational-type vehicles shall be permitted to be kept or stored on the premises of any lot or residence unless a covered, fenced and screened parking space, which must be approved in advance by the Big Sky Architectural Committee, is provided.Temporary parking of the aforementioned vehicles and trailers is permitted when advance notification is provided to the Big Sky Owners Association. Temporary parking is defined as parking for a period not to exceed 10 total days per month, and no more than 5 consecutive days without removal for a period of 2 days.
Utilities and Electrical Panels – All utilities must be buried. Electrical panels should be screened from view.
Voting – Please participate in the BSOA annual election. Remember to return your annual ballot in August of each year.
Weeds – Noxious weeds are a violation of the Covenants and are against the law in Montana. Please manage your weeds by pulling them and disposing of them properly or by hiring a professional to spray and manage your weeds. Owner contact information for properties infested with weeds is supplied to the Gallatin Canyon Weed District for enforcement.
Wildlife – The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks will be notified for appropriate enforcement action if any type of wildlife food source is observed on your property. This includes salt licks and placing trash bins out before scheduled collection times.
Wood Storage – Please stack it neatly and screen your woodpile appropriately.
Zane Grey – The famous western writer Zane Grey first chronicled the Code of the West. The men and women who came to this part of the country during the westward expansion of the United States were bound by an unwritten code of conduct. Old West values like integrity, self-reliance and accountability guided their decisions, actions and interactions. Their survival depended upon their ability to cooperate with their neighbors and their ability to maintain a positive attitude of collective responsibility. In keeping with that spirit, both Gallatin and Madison Counties have developed a Code of the New West that is worth the read. Check them out online or visit the BSOA offices to get your own copy.
ATV’s – For the most part, snowmobiles, ATV-like vehicles, mini-bikes and helicopters may not be operated within the jurisdiction of the BSOA. There are plenty of multi-use trails in our surrounding public forests, so check with the USFS and fire up those engines outside the general Big Sky area.
Burning – As a homeowner in the mountains of Montana, please do not forget that the danger of forest fires. The burning of any materials or vegetation is prohibited, except when specifically allowed under applicable Covenants and under which case, must be in accordance with local regulations. Use common sense and obtain a burn permit from the Gallatin Canyon Rural Fire District where burning is approved and authorized depending on conditions.
Clutter – Everyone deserves to enjoy the great outdoors every once in a while, right? Some find it difficult when they see that their neighbors have every type of lawn accessory imaginable out and on display. Be sure your wood piles are neatly stacked, garbage and debris is placed in proper receptacles, kids toys are cleaned up after use (including the kiddy pools and trampolines), the ladder you used to replace the light bulb that went out days ago is put away, and your dog house is screened properly by approved landscaping or fencing (doghouses and kennels are considered structures so they do need BSAC approval). There are thousands of other things you can put on display in your yard, but remember, keep it tasteful and to a minimum.
Dogs – When outside, keep all pets on a leash to protect neighbors and wildlife. If a pet is roaming around your neighborhood and you think you may know who the owner is, we may be able to reach the homeowner before Animal Control or the Sheriff gets involved. Pets should be licensed and leashed. Clean up after your pet. If there is a problem pet in your neighborhood, contact the Gallatin County Animal Control at 406-582-2100 or visit their website. For issues in Madison County, contact the Madison County Sheriff at 406-843-5301.
Easements – Various Covenants reserve easements for a variety of uses (i.e., utilities, roads, drainage and recreation). Easement areas may be landscaped by Owners to enhance their appearance so long as the landscaping is not permanent and does not interfere with the use of the property as an easement. However, Owners who landscape within these easements do so at their own risk.
Enforcement – BSOA enforcement is guided by Board Resolution. All Covenant compliance complaints are logged at the office, field verified, reported to the Board, and followed up on. Staff does not regularly “patrol” BSOA neighborhoods, so help keep assessment costs low by calling the office when you see Covenant violations.
Fences – All fencing types (including dog runs and kennels) must be approved by the BSAC and are historically discouraged as they interfere with wildlife corridors.
Fire Pits – The use of outdoor fire pits is discouraged in the BSOA because of the danger of forest fires and neighboring structures. However, some uses are allowed depending on the Covenants. Aesthetic design of exterior fire pits and fireplaces, when specifically permitted by your Covenants, must be approved by the BSAC.
Fireworks – Like the rest of the nation, Big Sky knows how to throw a party on the Fourth of July and neighborhood celebrations often include fireworks. Please enjoy a safe Fourth of July and stow the fireworks away the rest of the year. The noise negatively affects our precious mountain wildlife. The Sheriff will be notified if fireworks are in use any day of the year except Independence Day.
Firearms – The use of firearms is prohibited in the BSOA.
Fire Safety – Create a defensible space around your home by managing fuels and vegetation to slow the spread of wildfire. For more information on living with fire in Montana contact FireSafe Montana or the Big Sky Fire Department at 406-995-2100.
Garbage – Help protect Big Sky’s wildlife by placing trash bins streetside at the absolute last practical moment and only on the day of collection. If you are not sure of your collection time, contact Republic Services at 406-586-0606.
Hot Tubs – Placement and screening of hot tubs must be approved by the BSAC with every attempt to locate and screen the hot tub from street and neighbor's views.
Landscaping – You are required to maintain your BSAC approved landscaping which includes watering trees, plants and shrubs as necessary, removing all deadfall, and replacing all dead foliage. Owners shall be restricted from irrigation of landscape during drought when water restrictions as issued by the Big Sky County Water and Sewer District No. 363 (“District”) are in place whether or not the property is in the District’s boundaries.
Lighting – Lighting fixtures should be designed and installed to control glare, light pollution and trespass onto your neighbor’s property. Respect our dark skies and use low wattage. Install fixtures that direct light for desired purposes only. Consider motion lights that turn on only when needed. Be a good neighbor turn all exterior lights off by 11 p.m.
Noise – Common courtesy applies. Restrict your contractor hours of construction from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Construction appropriate noise is permitted once BSAC has given Final Approval to a property owner and the performance deposit has been posted. Contact the BSOA for all other noise related issues during BSOA business hours. If a very late-night party nearby is causing a disturbance, consider contacting the Sheriff.
Nuisance – The nuisance provisions of the Covenants ask owners to maintain their property such that your neighbor’s “quiet enjoyment” is not unreasonably interfered with. Please keep the outside of your home tidy. If you think your neighbor is allowing rubble, debris, junk or refuse to accumulate resulting in conditions that are injurious to health, are indecent, or offensive to the senses or which obstruct the free use of property so as to interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property, please contact the BSOA office or contact the Gallatin County Code Compliance Specialist at 406-582-3775.
Paint – In our harsh mountain climate, plan on repainting or re-staining your home every few years, or when necessary, using the originally approved paint/stain colors. New colors must be approved by the BSAC. Your neighbors may contact the BSOA when they notice the paint on your home is chipping, or when the stain work is starting to look uneven or streaky, so please keep your home exterior maintained.
Parking – Streetside parking of vehicles and trailers is prohibited in the BSOA as it is a hazard for emergency vehicles and snow removal equipment.
Pets – When outside, keep all pets on a leash to protect neighbors and wildlife. If a pet is roaming around your neighborhood and you think you may know who the owner is, we may be able to reach the homeowner before Animal Control or the Sherriff gets involved. Pets should be licensed and leashed. Clean up after your pet. If there is a problem pet in your neighborhood, contact Gallatin County Animal Control at 406-582-2100 or the Madison County Sherriff at 406-995-4880.
Recreational Vehicle Storage – No boats, trailers, snowmobiles, motor homes, or other recreational-type vehicles shall be permitted to be kept or stored on the premises of any lot or residence unless a covered, fenced and screened parking space, which must be approved in advance by the Big Sky Architectural Committee, is provided.Temporary parking of the aforementioned vehicles and trailers is permitted when advance notification is provided to the Big Sky Owners Association. Temporary parking is defined as parking for a period not to exceed 10 total days per month, and no more than 5 consecutive days without removal for a period of 2 days.
Remodels/Renovation – Save yourself some time and trouble and always notify the BSOA office if you are considering a home improvement project. Staff will guide you through the appropriate approval process.
Road Right of Way – Do not park vehicles or make any type of permanent improvement in the road right-of way. Check your Covenants or stop by the office to view a plat to get an idea of how far the road right of way extends.
Satellite Dishes and Antennae – Dishes smaller than one meter are allowed in the BSOA. Keep all other dishes and antennae out of sight. For more information, visit the Federal Communication Commission’s website.
Snow Removal – Do not push driveway and sidewalk snow into the street! BSOA regulations and the State of Montana prohibit plowing, shoveling, piling, or blowing snow into the right-of-way or in a location that creates a hazardous condition for operators of snow plows and other vehicles. Snow removed from your property must be stored on your property or moved to an approved snow storage area. If you have contracted with a snow removal service, make sure your contractor adheres to this regulation and stores all shoveled or plowed snow on-site. It is strongly recommended that a snow blower be used to clear drive ways and sidewalks. Click here to view a list of local snow removal contractors.
Snow Stakes – Remove all snow staking in the summer months (May-September).
Tenants – BSOA has a legal relationship with property owners and does not discuss Covenant compliance issues with tenants. If a complaint is received, the property owner will be contacted, and it is the BSOA’s expectation that the property owner will inform and obligate the tenant to comply with all neighborhood rules. Owners can be fined for tenant behavior.
Trailers – No boats, trailers, snowmobiles, motor homes, or other recreational-type vehicles shall be permitted to be kept or stored on the premises of any lot or residence unless a covered, fenced and screened parking space, which must be approved in advance by the Big Sky Architectural Committee, is provided.Temporary parking of the aforementioned vehicles and trailers is permitted when advance notification is provided to the Big Sky Owners Association. Temporary parking is defined as parking for a period not to exceed 10 total days per month, and no more than 5 consecutive days without removal for a period of 2 days.
Utilities and Electrical Panels – All utilities must be buried. Electrical panels should be screened from view.
Voting – Please participate in the BSOA annual election. Remember to return your annual ballot in August of each year.
Weeds – Noxious weeds are a violation of the Covenants and are against the law in Montana. Please manage your weeds by pulling them and disposing of them properly or by hiring a professional to spray and manage your weeds. Owner contact information for properties infested with weeds is supplied to the Gallatin Canyon Weed District for enforcement.
Wildlife – The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks will be notified for appropriate enforcement action if any type of wildlife food source is observed on your property. This includes salt licks and placing trash bins out before scheduled collection times.
Wood Storage – Please stack it neatly and screen your woodpile appropriately.
Zane Grey – The famous western writer Zane Grey first chronicled the Code of the West. The men and women who came to this part of the country during the westward expansion of the United States were bound by an unwritten code of conduct. Old West values like integrity, self-reliance and accountability guided their decisions, actions and interactions. Their survival depended upon their ability to cooperate with their neighbors and their ability to maintain a positive attitude of collective responsibility. In keeping with that spirit, both Gallatin and Madison Counties have developed a Code of the New West that is worth the read. Check them out online or visit the BSOA offices to get your own copy.