BSOA Bylaws allow the Board of Directors to create committees to act on their behalf on matters referred by the Board. A formal policy resolution adopted in 1997 establishes three types of Committees which may be formed by a majority vote of the Board:
- Standing Committees – Exist until abolished by the Board;
- Committees – Exist on an annual basis and must be renewed through Board action; and
- Ad Hoc Committees – Exist to carry out a specific task. Ad Hoc Committees are terminated when the task is complete.
Standing Committees
Big Sky Architectural CommitteeThe Big Sky Architectural Review Committee (BSAC) exists to provide Owners guidance and approval for quality and thoughtful design and construction of property improvements within BSOA jurisdiction. All new construction and any exterior changes to your home, or landscaping (tree removal, grading, etc.) requires review and approval by the BSAC. The BSAC consists of seven members and is given its authority through the Covenants, the BSOA Bylaws and other Governing Documents. The BSAC meets twice monthly on Thursday mornings. The Committee is guided by routinely updated Design Regulations written with the intent to meet the goals for quality and thoughtful design in Big Sky’s progressive development environment. Download the BSAC Charter.
Executive CommitteeEmpowered to act for the Board when the action cannot wait until a regularly scheduled meeting (restrictions apply). The Committee is also responsible for personnel matters. Download the Executive Committee Charter.
Sustainability Committee
The newly formed committee upholds the objective to
inform, encourage, and empower BSOA members and the Big Sky Community to act to minimize energy and water usage, waste, and pollution; Consult all relevant stakeholders and decision-makers in a thorough and proper evaluation of new developments in the Big Sky area that would have a cumulative impact on water, wastewater, forest heath, wildlife populations, traffic, emergency response, emergency evacuation and quality of life; and to take actions necessary to accomplish the elements above. Visit the committee website below for sustainability updates and public comment submissions. |
Finance and Audit CommitteeResponsible for the financial management of the BSOA, the Finance and Audit Committee oversees the annual audit, internal controls, preparation of financial statements and records, budget development, investment oversight, financial policies, and reporting to the board. Download the Finance and Audit Committee Charter.
Legal Committee
Serves as liaison between the Board and outside BSOA Counsel. The Legal Committee brings legal issues to the Board, interprets them and advises the Board on the appropriate course of action. Download the Legal Committee Charter.
Nominating Committee
Solicits and submits recommendations for nomination of candidates for election or appointment to the Board of Directors and the member elected positions on the BSAC. Download the Nominating Committee Charter.